Jono Smithers delivers highway racing hit single Vat Hom Fluffy, an ode to his hometown of Cape Town, South Africa.

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Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Vat Hom Fluffy was inspired by a weekend in Cape Town spent with my brother, Mokho. We plan an annual trip to Cape Town every year when I return home from the USA and have always completed the trip in our beloved Fluffy, our family car. Over time we took up the saying ‘Vat

Hom Fluffy’ when taking over cars on the N2 – and so what better way to reflect on an incredible trip together”.

The song is contagious, upbeat, fun, colorful & chaotic – and we truly hope that it puts a spark in your step, a beat in your groove and a smile on your face!

Jono Smithers is a South African 23-year-old guitarist, songwriter, and producer. He attained a B.Mus. Performance Summa Cum Laude from the prestigious Berklee College of Music. Jono is the recipient of the Berklee College of Music songwriting scholarship, as well as a merit based scholarship for proficiency on the guitar. Whilst at Berklee he has had the opportunity to study under the likes of Mick Goodrick, Larry Baione, Mark White, Dave Tronzo, Tim Miller & Jeff Lockhart.

Jono has since received over 100k streams over several platforms, had his music aired on international radio stations. He recently made local charts in South Africa with his single ‘Cape Town’

VAT HOM FLUFFY is out now on all streaming platforms