“I have a lot of world experience, and I don’t want to keep what I’ve learned to myself” says Canadian artist ‘Garcia Douglas’


Inspiration and motivation are central aspects of the music coming from Canadian artist Garcia Douglas. Her style is from the heart – from the soul – and as such it has a depth and richness that listeners all over the world are finding refreshing. That positive, uplifting vibe is intentional, and it’s put on full display with her singles.
Garcia started her journey in music as a child, singing in church choirs and performing at school. She said every opportunity to sing was a good one, even if it was as a backup artist or in a group. She has always loved singing and entertaining people, and now as an adult she continues to do that as often as she can, albeit with deeper, more soulful messages.

“Being creative gives me a whole new world to explore and enjoy,” she said. “I’ve learned a lot through life. When I was younger I couldn’t communicate what I wanted to very well, but now I’m in a place where I feel like I have more to offer. I have a lot of world experience, and I don’t want to keep what I’ve learned to myself. I want to be able to help everyone – to show them how to get through some things faster and better than I did. I want to inspire others to live their dreams, no matter their age or where they are in life. It’s never too late to do something really great.”


Facebook https://m.facebook.com/Garcia-Douglas-111813377807466/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Gemsport1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gdouglasfans123/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2iDXmq4ySv4jjqM2PNas4Y?si=uwt6BMn5RGuXNYJw8cVRAg
ITunes: I Say No – Single by G Douglas
Amazon https://music.amazon.com/search/G+Douglas?filter=IsLibrary%7Cfalse&sc=none
Deezer https://www.deezer.com/en/album/265756102
Napster https://ca.napster.com/artist/g-douglas/album/i-say-no
Tidal https://tidal.com/browse/album/201301030